Everything on track? Does the Commercial Register contain all  - but only those - entries which should be found there and is the documentation of your shareholders' resolutions as well as the shareholders' list up to date? Why don't you have the files of the company kept by a professional? It could make life much easier, in particular if you intend to look for investors or to even sell the entire business in the future. Well kept corporate files are the perfect basis for the necessary trust in your company and might be the first - and decisive - impression a third party will get.

Corporate Housekeeping

Corporate Housekeeping
Your company is getting bigger and bigger ...
            and is no longer a stand alone company but has been transformed into a group of companies. Do you still have everything under your control? The preparation of shareholders' meetings and resolutions and/or the preparation of the meetings of the supervisory board do not need to be time-consuming and difficult. Professional legal consultancy services ensure that your corporate calendar is complete and that drafts of resolutions will be prepared and submitted to the board members and/or to the shareholders in due time.
            Concentrate on your business and outsource Company Secretarial Services:

Preparation of sharehodlers' resolutions … Convocation of Shareholders' Meetings … Minutes of Meetings … Shareholders' Resolutions … Profit and Loss Transfer Agreements Internal Spin offs and Mergers … Tansfer of Shares and Participations Corporate Calendar  … Applications for the Registration with the Commercial Register …